Less money for women

They work just as long, but get the short end of the stick when it comes to earnings: women who have full-time jobs in the habberge district earn around 760 euros less per month than their male colleagues. The food and hospitality workers’ union (NGG) has called for this on the occasion of international women’s day on 8 march. March pointed out. The NGG refers to current figures from the federal employment agency.

According to the study, the average full-time income of women in the habberge district is currently 2633 euros a month. Men with the same working hours get 3396 euros. That makes a difference of 22 percent.

"It cannot be that women are still so strongly disadvantaged on the labor market. Many companies in the region take advantage of the wage gap, even though they had to pay more", criticizes ibo ocak of the NGG-region lower franconia.

The situation is particularly problematic in female-dominated professions – for example, in the service of a restaurant or in the sales of a bakery. If wages are not paid according to the collective wage agreement, low wages often result in part-time jobs and temporary positions. According to the labor agency, 74 percent of all part-time and mini-jobs in the district are currently held by women

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