“Education is expensive in Germany”

In cases like this, the lina bauerschmidt foundation can help. It has set itself the goal of providing financial support for talented and needy young people in their professional careers.

But funds have become scarcer since the foundation was set up: "this is due to the extremely low interest rates currently paid by banks for the foundation’s invested capital", regrets the chairman of the foundation’s board, herbert bauerschmidt. For this reason, it had become necessary to apply very strict standards to applicants for financial aid.

Nrw: christmas vacations two days earlier because of corona

Nrw: christmas vacations two days earlier because of corona

In north rhine-westphalia, schools can start their christmas vacations earlier than planned because of the corona pandemic.

In order to give families the best possible christmas, the decision was made to start the 21-day christmas break earlier than planned. And 22. December, NRW education minister yvonne gebauer (FDP) told the WDR radio station. So friday the 18th. December, the last day of school in NRW this year. In the next few days, she wants to discuss with teachers’, parents’ and school associations how the shortfall in the current school year can be compensated for and how emergency care can be provided on the 21st day of school. And 22. December can be ensured. Actually, the winter vacations had begun on. December started.

Heavy weapons deployed

On the report "schools announce consequences for protesters" (bayerische rundschau of 19. September) we received the following letter: minister of education piazolo and school principals declare climate crisis over immediately. If students now continue to stand up for nature and thus for their future, they will be subjected to heavy protection: disciplinary action, detention, reprimands, fines, and so on.

All the urgent warnings of thousands of scientists and experts that we are on the verge of the tipping points, after which it is almost impossible to stop the climate crisis, suddenly no longer matter.

Educational panel discussion in riedenberg with the president of the state parliament

educational panel discussion in riedenberg with the president of the state parliament

Within the framework of the art project "traces to the light takes place next saturday, 29. September, 16 o’clock, a panel discussion was held in the riedenberg church. The discussion partners are, in addition to state parliament president barbara stamm, the principal of the elementary and middle school wildflecken, christiane helfrich, and the regional youth chaplain roland pietryga, bad kissingen.

The talk is deliberately held under the light cross in the church, the organizers write. For in addition to questions about the education of children and young people, the focus should be on passing on the christian faith and the values associated with it to future generations.

The damage is enormous

The damage is enormous

"It’s funny until it’s not funny anymore." This lettering is emblazoned in rough, black letters on the building of the weissbach dental practice on the town moat. Unknown perpetrators have graffitied several house fronts in the past few weeks. The damage to the dentists alone amounts to a good 2000 euros.

They are no longer laughing: "this is already the fourth or fifth time that the walls have been smeared", the employees of the practice. "It is a pity that people have no respect for other people’s property."

Incumbent points to successes

incumbent points to successes

When it comes to summing up his almost six years as mayor, armin warmuth (CSU) doesn't know where to start: "a lot has happened, we've invested a lot and still managed to reduce debts.", the 53-year-old sums up his time in office. Despite many projects, he is above all pleased about the good cooperation in the city council. "We have a good atmosphere and a good human relationship, most decisions are unanimous."

As recently as july 2019, armin warmuth announced that he would seek a second term in office. "There were still some things to clear", he explains the relatively late decision for a full-time mayor. In 2014, warmuth prevailed over two other candidates. Since then, the man from diebach has been the first hammelburg mayor not to come from the city center.

Lowe leon navigates the media jungle

Lowe leon navigates the media jungle

Munich – for a bicycle, a sewing machine – even a drill press in the workshop – children in elementary school have to get a driver's license. But do all these orientation aids actually still correspond to the reality of children's lives in 2009?? Who will show them the safe way across the information superhighway or through the chatroom scrum that has long proliferated in children's rooms?? Another brand-new driver's license takes over: the media driver's license.

A driver's license for the internet

Reading in the center

The school festival at the friedrich baur elementary school in burgkunstadt was also very well received this year. It was also the highlight of the project week, which had the theme of reading. With the percussion music of cajuns, the children entered the playground. The children drew attention to the project by joining letters together. "If you want to see hard-working readers, you have to go to the elementary school in burgkunstadt" the children played.

Principal susi kraub spoke of an eventful and busy week during her welcoming speech. Reading is like cinema for the head, like dreams with open eyes, she said, and went one step further: "reading is a great miracle". Reading opens new horizons, makes it possible to understand texts and to distinguish between true and false claims. Learning this skill, kraub said, should be the focus of all school types.

Bavarian craftsmen’s day: mood is good

The dark clouds have cleared: although the bavarian skilled trades sector suffered a slight drop in sales in the first half of 2013, mainly due to the long winter and the associated delays in the construction sector. But things were already looking up in the second half of the year, and the forecasts for 2014 are also glowing. "If the skilled trades can't complain, that means something", says the president of the bavarian crafts council, heinrich traublinger, with a wink in coburg on friday. "If we were to complain now, it would be at a high level!"

The good situation is due to the "concrete gold". Because there is currently a lot of investment in real estate, the mood in the main construction trade is "excellent and the order stocks "comfortably. But in the food sector, too, there was little to complain about, because the burghers were once again attaching importance to regional foodstuffs.

Hosts in the starting holes

hosts in the starting holes

It is currently difficult to win over craft businesses for an order. The municipality of ahorn also got a taste of it. "We had to put the screed work alone out to tender three times before any company came forward at all", reports mayor martin finzel (party-less). But there is also progress.

In the meantime, a couple has been found who will run the catering business in the leisure center once the renovation work has been completed. Torsten bauer and angelika tetzlaff have run a similarly rough catering business in bad worishofen for the past seven years. Now they're drawn to torsten bauer's hometown. He was born in lichtenfels in 1970 and grew up in kups. "We will offer french and bavarian cuisine, with fresh regional products", promises the trained cook. Angelika tetzlaff comes from the allgau region and will mainly be responsible for the service. There will be a beer garden in the leisure center and when the former swimming pool becomes a "cultural pool", the children will be able to enjoy themselves the community and the leaseholder hope that the rooms will be used as often as possible for larger events.