Heavy weapons deployed

On the report "schools announce consequences for protesters" (bayerische rundschau of 19. September) we received the following letter: minister of education piazolo and school principals declare climate crisis over immediately. If students now continue to stand up for nature and thus for their future, they will be subjected to heavy protection: disciplinary action, detention, reprimands, fines, and so on.

All the urgent warnings of thousands of scientists and experts that we are on the verge of the tipping points, after which it is almost impossible to stop the climate crisis, suddenly no longer matter.

Compulsory school attendance is – according to piazolo and the ladies and gentlemen of the school administrations – from now on again more important than the protection of our nature – and from now on there is a prohibition for schoolchildren to stand up for nature during school hours, to point out the grievances and thus to put pressure on the responsible persons to finally introduce target-oriented and effective climate protection measures.

I logically assume that mr. Piazolo and the school administrators – as role models for the students – will now also fulfill their obligation to ensure that all lessons are taught according to the curriculum and with qualified teaching staff.

If lessons are cancelled, lessons are held with substitute teachers from outside the subject area, or pupils are somehow kept busy in a way that is not provided for in the curriculum, then it goes without saying that minister piazolo and the school administrators will have to take disciplinary action – detentions, reprimands, and fines …

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